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RSE Consultation

Relationships & Sex Education (RSE) Consultation

As you may already be aware, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), along with Health Education, forms part of the National Curriculum and has seen changes which were implemented in September 2020. The purpose of the curriculum is to provide knowledge and understanding of safe and healthy relationships based on respect. This is to encourage the development of safe and healthy relationships throughout life. The subject is designed to help children from all backgrounds build positive and safe relationships and thrive in modern Britain.

You cannot withdraw your child from Relationships Education because it is important that all children receive this content, covering topics such as friendships and how to stay safe. However, we have continued with our choice to teach Sex Education within Key Stage 2 and, should you wish to, you can ask that your child is withdrawn from these sessions. This request will be granted, however, the science curriculum in all maintained schools also includes content on human development, including reproduction, and there is no right for children to be withdrawn from those lessons.

We believe it is always helpful if parents are aware of the scheme being followed, and we encourage you to discuss the issues fully with your children at home. If you wish to see the materials being used prior to the lessons or wish for your child to be withdrawn from sex education, please inform me; you are welcome to contact school to discuss the program further. 

Schools are required to consult with parents when developing and reviewing their policies for Relationships Education and RSE, which will inform schools’ decisions on when and how certain content is covered. This information is shared annually, followed by a link to a parent survey where consent can be provided.