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At Elkesley primary and Nursery School, we are aware that all children, irrespective of sex, ethnicity and special needs should have a genuine opportunity to experience all aspects of the school curriculum. No child should experience discrimination, disadvantage or unhelpful stereotyping on a sexist or ethnic basis whether open or hidden. We hope that such an approach will be common to all adults in their relationships with children. Our Race Equality Policy is available in school.

The school feels it is important to continue to provide opportunities for all disabled children who wish to attend mainstream school.

The school has access for pupils with physical disability (ramps and rails to aid access for wheelchair users and a shower/changing room fitted with a hoist). The school also welcomes feedback from friends and visitors.  Please let us know if we can improved accessibility for you and we will do our utmost to address this.


All schools have a significant role in meeting children's special educational needs.  At Elkesley Primary and Nursery School, we recognise that all children have their own individual needs and abilities.

However, there are some children who, at some stage of their school lives, may find learning difficult.  In many cases, the action necessary to respond to a child's needs will be met by adapting the teacher's planning.

Some children may have specific learning difficulties and assessments of children's progress are made carefully and regularly, so that specific, individual education plans can be created for those children who are experiencing difficulty.

Where appropriate, Teaching Assistants will be used to provide additional, targeted support for individuals or small groups of children.

Elkesley also benefits from the support of outside agencies such as the Psychology Service, Behaviour Support Service, English as an Additional Language (EAL) team, Inclusion Support and Language and Speech Therapy Service.  These agencies may be called upon to offer help and advice where appropriate.  Parents will always be consulted before any such contact with these services is made. 

Our Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) will consult with teachers, parents, children and outside agencies, to ensure that we meet the needs of individual children.

At Elkesley Primary and Nursery School we identify gifted and talented pupils as having special educational needs.  Their talents need to be specifically created for by their class teacher by providing more challenging work. Teaching Assistants may also be used to provide support to extend their learning.

We aim to ensure that all children are given the opportunity to fulfil their potential.

Advice is sought from specialist teachers and key stage 3 specialists in order that gifted children's attainments are further enhanced.

A list of gifted and talented pupils is kept by the Head Teacher and achievements are regularly monitored to ensure effective progression occurs.

Our after school clubs also ensure that children are given additional coaching which enhance and extend their talents further.

For parents who require additional assistant or guidance relating to their child's needs, school provides Parent Partnership information.  For further details on this independent organisation please contact the school SENCO.

See the linked policies below. For further policies, see Key Information: Policies.