Safeguarding and Anti-bullying
At Elkelsey Primary and Nursery School, we take our responsibility for Safeguarding very seriously. All staff are trained in how to recognise concerns and are regularly updated on changes to documentation, policy and procedures. Our staff, who share this commitment to everyone's safety, are required to undergo an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check before they are able to work with us at EPNS.
Our DSLs network regularly with officers from Nottinghamshire County Council, including the Safeguarding Children in Education Officer, colleagues in other schools and other agencies and, when necessary, with Social Care.
Elkesley primary and Nursery school adheres to the latest guidance contained within Keeping Children Safe in Education and all staff are required to complete an assessment of their understanding of the document and any changes to it as part of our Safeguarding Training.
Designated Safeguarding Leads
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Chris Marsh
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Kirsty Griffiths and Michelle Woodcock
Reporting Concerns:
If a child is in immediate danger, please phone 999.
If you have a concern, please use the following:
Link to online (Myconcern) form to report safeguarding concern to safeguarding leads.
Alternatively, phone 01777 838615 or email
If you feel the report needs to be completed directly but does not require 999, please use an option below.
Report a Concern Follow this link if you have a concern about a child's safety and wish to report to
ChildLine Use this link if you need further advice: ChildLine is a private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of nineteen.
NSPCC Use this link to access information about the NSPCC: Working to end child cruelty across the UK. Everything we do protects children, prevents abuse and transforms society so it’s safer for all children.